Educational Kits


Tamiya’s wide range of affordable, beginner-level robot kits are easy to assemble and require no soldering.

Products in category “Educational Kits”

Pololu item #: 1671
Brand: Elenco
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

Snap Circuits 300-in-1 includes over 55 plastic parts and over 300 sample projects. The snap-together electronic blocks are mounted on plastic pieces that can be used again and again to form many exciting and educational circuits.

Pololu item #: 189
Brand: Solarbotics
RoHS 3 status: supplier unspecified
Out of stock.

If you have been thinking about getting your own mini sumo robot but were waiting for the right kit to come along, we might just have the one for you! No programming is necessary to get the Sumovore going: it has a sumo wrestling mode and a line following mode, and assembly is easy with the step-by-step instructions written just for beginners. This robot outperforms many other robots, even in its standard configuration, and there are options to expand on its basic capabilities.

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