Wild Thumper All-Terrain Chassis

Products in category “Wild Thumper All-Terrain Chassis”

Pololu item #: 1554
Brand: DAGU
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This rugged, 6-wheel-drive chassis from Dagu Electronics has independent suspension for each of its spiked 120mm-diameter wheels, allowing exceptional traction over uneven terrain, and its body is made from 2mm-thick anodized aluminum with a 10mm-pitch grid of 4mm holes, making it easy to mount electronics and accessories to the chassis. Assembly of the chassis is a simple three-step process that takes just minutes. This model is black with metallic-red hubs and has 34:1 steel gearboxes on the motors.

Pololu item #: 1564
Brand: DAGU
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This rugged, 4-wheel-drive chassis from Dagu Electronics has independent suspension for each of its spiked 120mm-diameter wheels, allowing exceptional traction over uneven terrain, and its body is made from 2mm-thick anodized aluminum with a 10mm-pitch grid of 4mm holes, making it easy to mount electronics and accessories to the chassis. Assembly of the chassis is a simple three-step process that takes just minutes. This model is silver with chrome-colored hubs and has 34:1 steel gearboxes on the motors.

Pololu item #: 1566
Brand: DAGU
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This rugged, 4-wheel-drive chassis from Dagu Electronics has independent suspension for each of its spiked 120mm-diameter wheels, allowing exceptional traction over uneven terrain, and its body is made from 2mm-thick anodized aluminum with a 10mm-pitch grid of 4mm holes, making it easy to mount electronics and accessories to the chassis. Assembly of the chassis is a simple three-step process that takes just minutes. This model is black with metallic-red hubs and 34:1 steel gearboxes on the motors.

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