Sharp Analog Distance Sensors with 3-Pin JST PH Connectors

These analog Sharp distance sensors work with our brackets for Sharp distance sensors and our 3-pin JST PH cables for Sharp distance sensors, which have 3-pin JST PH connectors on one end and are available with pre-crimped male pins, pre-crimped female pins, and with unterminated wires on the other end.

Products in category “Sharp Analog Distance Sensors with 3-Pin JST PH Connectors”

Pololu item #: 1137
Brand: Sharp/Socle
Status: End-of-Life Rationing 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

The GP2Y0A02 is the longest-range optical distance sensor we carry, featuring a detection range of 8″ to 60″ (20 cm to 150 cm). The high maximum detection distance makes this sensor a viable alternative to sonar in some applications. The distance is indicated by an analog voltage, making this sensor very easy to use.

Pololu item #: 136
Brand: Sharp/Socle
Status: End-of-Life Rationing 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

The GP2Y0A21 Sharp distance sensor is a great way to add obstacle avoidance or motion sensing to your robot or any other project. With a detection range of 4″ to 32″ (10 cm to 80 cm) and an analog voltage indicating the distance, this sensor is very easy to use.

Pololu item #: 2464
Brand: Sharp/Socle
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

The GP2Y0A41SK0F Sharp analog distance sensor features a detection range of 1.5″ to 12″ (4 cm to 30 cm). The shorter range gives you higher resolution measurements, and the lower minimum detection distance makes this sensor great for detecting very close objects. The distance is indicated by an analog voltage, making this sensor very easy to use.

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3-Pin Female JST PH-Style Cable (30 cm) for Sharp Distance Sensors

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