Orangutan Robot Controllers

Pololu’s Orangutan robot controllers are combinations of microcontrollers and additional hardware useful for controlling robots. All Orangutans feature Atmel AVR microcontrollers, multiple H-bridges for direct control of DC motors, and most units have integrated LCD displays. The Baby Orangutan and Orangutan SV require external programmers, such as Atmel’s AVRISP or the Pololu USB AVR programmer v2.

The Orangutan family currently has two members:

Products in category “Orangutan Robot Controllers”

Pololu item #: 1220
Brand: Pololu
Status: Rationed (Active) 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

The Baby Orangutan B-328 is a very compact but complete robot controller, packing a high-performance ATmega328P AVR microcontroller (with 32 KB of program memory and 2 KB of RAM) and two motor drive channels in the same 24-pin form factor as competing units that include just a microcontroller. You can connect your battery, sensors, and motors directly to this small module to make a miniature robot, or you can use the Baby Orangutan as an auxiliary controller in larger robots.

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