D24V3x Step-Down Voltage Regulators

This family of small switching step-down voltage regulators efficiently generates lower output voltages from input voltages as high as 42 V with a maximum current of 300 mA.

Note: We recommend our newer 600 mA D36V6Fx family of step-down voltage regulators over these ones. They offer a wider 4 V to 50 V operating voltage range and lower quiescent current, and they can generally be used as drop-in replacements for this product (they use the same PCB, just populated with different parts). Please also consider our 500 mA D24V5Fx and 1 A D24V10Fx families for synchronous alternatives that offer similar functionality with much lower dropout voltages and higher efficiencies at light loads. All of these newer families also have more output voltage options available.

Products in category “D24V3x Step-Down Voltage Regulators”

Pololu item #: 2097
Brand: Pololu
Status: Rationed (Active) 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

The compact (0.4″ × 0.5″) D24V3F3 switching step-down (or buck) voltage regulator takes an input voltage between 4.3 V and 42 V and efficiently reduces it to 3.3 V while allowing for a maximum output current of 300 mA. The pins have a 0.1″ spacing, making this board compatible with standard solderless breadboards and perfboards.

Pololu item #: 2098
Brand: Pololu
Status: Rationed (Active) 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

The compact (0.4″ × 0.5″) D24V3F5 switching step-down (or buck) voltage regulator takes an input voltage between 7 V and 42 V and efficiently reduces it to 5 V while allowing for a maximum output current of 300 mA. The pins have a 0.1″ spacing, making this board compatible with standard solderless breadboards and perfboards.

Pololu item #: 2099
Brand: Pololu
Status: Rationed (Active) 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

The compact (0.4″ × 0.5″) D24V3F9 switching step-down (or buck) voltage regulator takes an input voltage between 11 V and 42 V and efficiently reduces it to 9 V while allowing for a maximum output current of 300 mA. The pins have a 0.1″ spacing, making this board compatible with standard solderless breadboards and perfboards.

Pololu item #: 2100
Brand: Pololu
Status: Rationed (Active) 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

The compact (0.4″ × 0.5″) D24V3F12 switching step-down (or buck) voltage regulator takes an input voltage between 14.5 V and 42 V and efficiently reduces it to 12 V while allowing for a maximum output current of 300 mA. The pins have a 0.1″ spacing, making this board compatible with standard solderless breadboards and perfboards.

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Step-Down Voltage Regulators
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