Motion Control Modules » Brushed DC Motor Drivers » Pololu High-Power Motor Drivers »
Pololu G2 High-Power Motor Driver 24v21
This discrete MOSFET H-bridge motor driver enables bidirectional control of one high-power DC brushed motor. The small 1.3″ × 0.8″ board supports a wide 6.5 V to 40 V voltage range and is efficient enough to deliver a continuous 21 A without a heat sink. Additional features of this second-generation (G2) driver include reverse-voltage protection along with basic current sensing and current limiting functionality.
Compare all products in Pololu High-Power Motor Drivers or
Single-Channel G2 High-Power Motor Drivers.
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New products: G2 High-Power Motor Driver 18v25 and 24v21 (and price drops for other G2 drivers)
- 3 March 2016Our second-generation family of high-power motor drivers continues to grow with the release of our G2 High-Power Motor Driver 18v25 and G2...