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Video: Introducing the Zumo Robot for Arduino

Posted by Emily on 25 November 2013

Our Zumo Robot is a great platform for getting into robotics with your Arduino. The Zumo was designed with Mini Sumo competitions in mind, but that’s not the only thing you can do with it. This video gives an overview of the Zumo’s features and some ideas on what you can do to make it your own.

New product: Arduino Robot

Posted by Paul on 1 October 2013

We now carry the Arduino Robot, the first official Arduino on wheels, which includes a pair of ATmega32U4-based platforms that control two motors, sensors, and more. From the Arduino blog post about it:

Designed in cooperation with Complubot, 4-time world champions in the Robocup Junior robotics soccer, the Arduino Robot promises endless hours of experimentation and play. It is a self-contained platform that allows you to build interactive machines to explore the world around you.

You can use straight out of the box, modify its software, or add your own hardware on top of it. You can learn as you go: the Arduino Robot is perfect for both the novice as well as those looking for their next challenge.

For more information about the Arduino Robot, see the product page.

New product: Arduino Yún

Posted by Paul on 16 September 2013

We are now carrying the Arduino Yún, an exciting new board that combines Arduino with Linux. From the official announcement:

Arduino Yún is the combination of a classic Arduino Leonardo (based on the Atmega32U4 processor) with a Wifi system-on-a-chip running Linino (a MIPS GNU/Linux based on OpenWRT). It’s based on the ATMega32u4 microcontroller and on the Atheros AR9331, a system on a chip running Linino, a customized version of OpenWRT, the most used Linux distribution for embedded devices.

Like a Leonardo, it has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 7 can be used as PWM outputs and 12 as analog inputs), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator and a micro USB connector.

Like any modern computer, it’s Wi-Fi enabled, it has a Standard-A type USB connector to which you can connect your USB devices and it has a micro-SD card plug, for additional storage.

For more information about the Arduino Yún, see the product page.

New product: SparkFun Inventor's Kit - V3 (with RedBoard)

Posted by Paul on 30 August 2013

The SparkFun Inventor’s Kit has everything you need to construct a variety of circuits that will teach you how to use an Arduino-compatible RedBoard to read sensors, display information on an LCD, drive motors, and more. No previous programming or electronics experience is necessary, which makes this a great way for beginners to get started with embedded systems. The V3 version includes a RedBoard and detailed instructions for building 15 educational circuits with the kit components.

This replaces the older SparkFun Inventor’s Kit for Arduino with Retail Case.

For more information about the SparkFun Inventor’s Kit, see the product page.

New product: Sparkfun Starter Kit for RedBoard

Posted by Kevin on 30 July 2013

The SparkFun Starter Kit for RedBoard is an easy way to get started building entertaining and educational circuits with SparkFun’s RedBoard, an Arduino clone that is compatible with the Uno R3. The kit includes a RedBoard along with various types of sensors and indicators. A downloadable guide features example projects to introduce you to the world of embedded electronics.

Power off from within an Arduino sketch using the Pololu power switch

Posted by Ryan on 25 May 2012

This Instructable demonstrates how to cut power to an Arduino from within a sketch using a Pololu pushbutton power switch.

Trackduino P1213 Arduino shield

Posted by Paul on 2 March 2012

This custom Arduino by Craig Hollabaugh shield mounts a Pololu dual MC33926 motor driver carrier for easy control with an Arduino. For details, see his project video and build log: page 1, page 2, page 3.

Remote Controlled Arduino Robot using Wixel Transceivers

Posted by Ryan on 6 January 2012

This Instructable by TECHbitar shows how to build a robot controlled wirelessly via a pair of Wixels.

Simple 3pi Projects for the Arduino IDE

Posted by Ben on 8 August 2011

These projects by Daniel J. Sullivan are intended to introduce novice users to all the components on the 3pi robot and how they can be used while programming with the Arduino IDE. Each project builds on the one before it, and comments within the programs are used to provide background information when new items are introduced.

Using the Pololu Pushbutton Power Switch

Posted by Paul on 22 February 2010

This instructable shows how to power an Arduino through the Pololu Pushbutton Power Switch and use the self-shutoff feature.

Featured link:

New Products

Motoron M2H18v20 Dual High-Power Motor Controller for Raspberry Pi (Connectors Soldered)
Ribbon Cable with Pre-Crimped Terminals 10-Color M-M 6" (15 cm)
3.3V Step-Up Voltage Regulator U3V16F3
Motoron M2H24v16 Dual High-Power Motor Controller for Raspberry Pi (No Connectors or Standoffs)
Motoron M2S24v16 Dual High-Power Motor Controller Shield Kit for Arduino
Motoron M2U256 Dual Serial Motor Controller
LSM6DSO 3D Accelerometer and Gyro Carrier with Voltage Regulator
12V, 2.5A Step-Up/Step-Down Voltage Regulator S13V25F12
Free Circuit Cellar magazine September 2022
Motoron M2H24v16 Dual High-Power Motor Controller Kit for Raspberry Pi
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